The Wire
Primary Schools nationwide have been invited to learn and perform a song in the northern Australian Indigenous language. Part of...
8CCC Big Brekky Content
Curator of the Olive Pink Botanic Gardens, Sam Hussey, chats to the Big Brekky about an event the Gardens will host on May 25th; the 'Alice Springs Longest Desert Lunch. This event is the major annual fundraiser for the Hamilton Downs Youth Camp, a not-for-profit community organisation that provides a bush destination for youth outdoor education activities. The funds will assist with upgrading facilities.
As the conflict in Gaza continues to escalate, communities across Australia are doing what they can to support Palestinians fleeing...
Catherine and Michael Lehnen are The Silverline. Coming from colourful yet very different backgrounds, they found each other through their love of music and their desire to make a difference.The Silverline are ‘Country Music with a Cause,’ writing authentic original songs with relevance and impact.
8CCC Big Brekky 8CCC Community Content
Andre dropped in to Big Brekky to tell us about the recent fundraiser for those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and his personal connection to the situation. If you'd still like to donate you can transfer money to the Alice Springs Peace Action Think Tank (ASPATT) account with the reference UKRAINE. BSB: 633000, Ac: 162234389.
Joel and Ella have produced a song, 'I Believe,' as part of a fundraising effort to support the Hope At Last orphanage in Lagos, Nigeria, where there are an estimated 7 million orphans.
Image:Kids Cancer Project, CCAM Resources Charities and organisations are always finding creative ways to fundraise for their desired cause. With...
8CCC Community 4 June 2018
Watch This Space are turning 25 and celebrating with their annual all in Lawn Sale and open mic Saturday 16th...
8CCC Community 9 October 2017
Transmission… Saturday, October 21st- Get Live at Monte’s Lounge Tune in, volunteer, get involved. It’s Community that makes the station...