Why Volunteer?
Volunteering with 8CCC can be a fantastic way to contribute to the community, working with a diverse team to tell the stories of Central Australia and the Barkly.
8CCC’s mission is:
“To involve and service the Alice Springs and Tennant Creek communities with services, programming and content that is not readily available in the commercial broadcasting arena.”
We couldn’t achieve this without the contribution of volunteers across our organisation in Leadership & Governance, Content Creation and Operations.
In 2020 8CCC worked with a consultant to review our volunteering program, ensuring compliance with the Volunteering National Standards, developing position descriptions and improving our volunteer management and structure. This work was made possible with the support of the Community Benefit Fund

Volunteer Roles
To find out more Get In Touch or drop by the studio to talk to our Station Manager.
8CCC is a member of Volunteering NT