Hi this was a show without theme which created its own thread! I was inspired by feedback from last week’s show on activism through music, the 8CCC party at the weekend with old and new friends and a chance for 8CCC members to get together in a different setting and Tolley was inspired by the musical creativity of his family and friendship network. Also by the end of the show we had more of the family in the studio. Its great when there are more people than microphones and no room to swing a CD!
Also we wanted to acknowledge International Labour Day on the 1st May, and the news that Rupert Murdoch has been considered unfit to run his multinational media corporation. Plus we had a visit from Jesse from FBI radio in Sydney, over in Central Australia for an artists program with local community arts organisation Watch This Space and the Wide Open Space Festival coming up this weekend. He took time out to meet with us and talk about a a storytelling program he is involved with through FBI. They are interested in broadcasting stories from Central Australia, so if you are keen, either leave a message here or on Facebook. I’d love to hear from you.
So to the music
PAUL MBENNA AND NICKY BOMBA – Nakutamani (reason – they are great songs)
SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK – Give your hands to the struggle
CHOIR CHOIR PANTS ON FIRE – More than a pay check (these two for Sharon and for all workers – paid and unpaid – for Labour Day)
WARWICK EDWARDS – New York in the Fall (Tolley’s friend wrote this piece as a tribute to those who survived, helped survivors, helped families of those who had died as a result of 9/11 )
GEORGE STREET – Sunset (a duo which includes Tolley’s son. Waking up on a beautiful day by the beach near Lorne this is the music they created).
FC APATRIDE – Firing the truth
GEORGE CONDOS – Trouble Calling (from the album Healing You – beautiful music from a man who has musically inspired Tolley)
LILIANA BARRIOS – Naranjo en flor (for Sue who encouraged me to buy this at a country market in NZ – much travelled world music CD from Argentina)
BA CISSISKO – Politicki (great track from the band from Guinea)
And finally a taster of the theme of next week’s show Great Covers by world music artists – this one is ..
LOS DE ABAJO, NEVILLE STAPLES AND DENNIS ROLLINS – The Lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Have a great weekend!