Suzanne Bryce came to Central Australia in the 1970s drawn as if by a strong magnet to this country.

In part one, Suzanne talked of her early years in Haasts Bluff and Kalka teaching craft and the start of her work in early childhood health as she herself started a family.

In this week’s program, we hear about Suzanne’s long connection with the NPY Women’s Council, an organisation that was set up by Anangu women during the Land Rights period, which has now developed into a major Aboriginal controlled organisation, providing services for women and families in remote communities, crossing three states.

She also talks about her passion for collecting desert peoples’ stories and how a song about getting clean in the shower led to a whole series of songs been written and recorded in the Central desert raising awareness about important health issues.

Songs featured in the program are the Showerblock Song and Palya Nyinama from the album UPK Songs – 5.

Broadcast: Tuesday 27 August 2013 at 5.30pm on 8CCC Community Radio 102.1FM

and streaming live on on the world wide web!

Repeated: Following Friday at 9am and Sunday at 5.00pm

Producer:   Joy Taylor


More Information

NPY Women’s Council history

UPK songs – 5 and

Ara Irititja

Centre for Appropriate Technology Chip Heater

Aboriginal Art Centres in Central Australia

Showerblock Song