salvationarmy_logoThis year The Salvation Army want to help more than one million Aussies.

The Red Shield Appeal is The Salvation Army’s primary annual fundraising drive. The Red Shield Appeal Doorknock  takes place on the weekend of 25-26 May 2013, and it offers Australians from all walks of life a chance to not only get behind the Salvos but to be part of transforming the lives of people right around the country.

Salvos national goal this year is $79 million, and every dollar raised results in more people being helped. Salvos has a long track record of being one of Australia’s most efficient charities, so you can be confident your support makes a genuine difference for those in need.

Your donation is vital in keeping Salvos doors open and helping over 1 million Aussies every year.

To donate visit  or call 13 SALVOS (13 72 58)