Jaidyn does a regular Monday show on 8CCC from 1-2PM called ‘Jaidyn’s Rock Nation’, with support from Mark Bensted via Total Recreation and NDIS backing, he always puts together a well informed and researched rock show that moves through decades and eras. Listen to the audio above or read the interview below, for some insight into the mind of one of our most dedicated volunteers. 

Greg – Okay, we’ve got Jaidyn here who does a regular Monday show from 1-2PM called Jaidyn’s Rock Nation. Welcome Jaidyn.

Jaidyn – Hi Greg, how are you?

I’m good thanks mate. So you’ve just come off air doing your show?

Yeah, that’s right. And just like what I told my listeners out there, because the 60s are over, I’ve actually decided to move into the 70s and all that stuff.

So that’s why you were playing Black Sabbath today?

Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, because I know that you’re a fan of the band and also, yeah.

Yeah, truly.

I don’t know whether or not you actually listen to Audible or read any books, but have you actually tried to read or listen to Tony Iommi’s book Iron Man and also their bassist, Geezer Butler’s book Into the Void?

I need to read Geezer’s, but I have read Iron Man. I found a crusty old copy of the outside of the Black Wreath one time, it had gotten all sun damaged, but I could still open up the pages and I took it on a trip down to SA with me. I couldn’t put it down, very very good stories. Tony Iommi being of course the pioneer of the power cord and the heavy metal sound.

Yeah that’s right, and also what did you reckon about the bit in the book where he was explaining about how that accident in that factory, which actually caused him to create heavy metal?

Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, he lost the tip of his finger in a machine accident, doing hard labour in a factory in Birmingham, and that caused him to think for a second, I can’t play guitar anymore. Then his boss actually Introduced him to a musician that had also lost a fingertip and continued to play and said ‘don’t give up on your dreams’. Yeah, and that meant that he had to modify the way that he played a guitar. So that’s how he came up with the power cord.

Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, I reckon that’s interesting because even like when it comes to some of the footage that I’ve seen of him, I can actually see the plastic fingertips that he has on there and all that.

It’s a very good read, highly recommend, and yeah, good shout.

So does that mean Greg, that you like to read books?

I do yes.

So do I Greg, reading is good for you.

True that, and so is that your main type of reading? Fact based stuff around music.

Well depends really, because I like to read lots of different stuff, like for instance I might read the odd kid’s book. I read a book about Phil Lynott from Thin Lizzy when I had my Kindle which was good, and I also read Keith Moon’s book and I read a few other books.

So when you do your show you often give the listeners a lot of facts on the music. Yeah that’s right. So you do a lot of research.

Yeah that’s right, yeah. And depending on like how long the research is I try to find stuff that I reckon that they would find interesting.

For sure, how long do you spend researching your show?

Well depends really how long it is and also, I could tell you with honesty all my listeners out there, that it’s really only hard to try to think of something if you haven’t got any ideas at first.  

Yeah, so do you brainstorm your shows?  

Yeah, that’s right.  

I think you must be at the moment the only presenter and show host that I’ve come across that’s made their own merch for the show.  

Oh, yeah, because I forget that I’ve got my own shirts and all that stuff, but not to buy at the moment, but I’d like to think that we might get there eventually.  

Okay, so just limited edition.  

Yes, that’s right.  

You can get in touch with 8CCC if you want to get hold one of those perhaps. So why rock n roll above anything else?  

Well, it’s gonna be the form you that I love the most because I can tell you, I’m not really sure about you, but when it comes to music I love all sorts of different music, but rock has got to be my most favourite style of music.  

How long have you been into it?  

Well ever since I was born actually  

Okay, going way back. How old are you Jaidyn?  

Well, I’m now 27  

And how long you been doing your show?  

Well I can’t remember exactly how long I’ve been doing my show Greg, but one thing I can tell you, is that when I first actually did my radio show, I actually wasn’t very prepared and all that stuff. Now that I’ve gotten the hang of doing this for a while, I’ve actually become almost something like a little kid in a candy store with getting all my information and all my songs and all that stuff.

So yeah, tell us about what else you do on a day to day. What’s Jayden’s week look like outside of the radio show?

Well it’s not really much Greg. I tend to spend a lot of time at home watching a lot of movies, not the odd TV show and all that stuff.

Anything else you like to get up to around town?

Well I’m not sure whether or not any of my brothers and sisters know this, but every now and again I go to the cinema and also dinner and also that kind of stuff. But it’s only really a sometimes thing. And I just want to say a big shout out to the guys at Total Recreation which also our good friend Mr Mark (Bensted) works for.

How does that work? How does it work between doing Total Recreation stuff and 8CCC?

Well, it’s something that he’s also a part of. So he also works at the YMCA where he’s got an office and all that stuff, with other clients and all. If you know Mark, he also takes part in a lot of the Arrernte boxing.

And how did you get involved in Total Recreation?

Well, I can’t remember exactly how.

Does it come through NDIS support?

Yeah I think it does yeah, yeah because it’s part of that same organization that he works for.

Yeah that’s cool and you’re not the only presenter on 8CCC who gets support that way.

No, no, no, I’m one of the many actually, because it’s like Monique and Royston who does like the Royston sporting roundups.

Yeah Monique’s magic music show.

Yes which she does on Friday and it’s like podcasted, isn’t it?

Yeah and it’s a mix bag for her show. It’s good.

She loves lots of different music. It’s mainly pop and I like the odd pop song every now and again.

Yeah, and also of course shout out to Andy who does the Big Brekky Show.

Yeah, that’s right.

Cool, alright thanks very much Jaidyn.

You’re welcome.

Anything else you want to say to the listeners out there?

Well as usual guys, I just want to say to all my rock loving brothers and sisters out there, which is don’t forget to ‘rock on’ and all that stuff and I hope you’ve enjoyed my first ever interview.